Locate filemaker pro database online
Locate filemaker pro database online

locate filemaker pro database online

PC - C:/Program Files/FileMaker/FileMaker Server/Data/.Mac - Macintosh HD/Library/FileMaker Server/Data/.Backup and archive your previous FileMaker databases:.Wait for the Admin Console page to display the refreshed Database Server Status screen.Navigate to Configuration > General Settings, then at the Server Information section, click the blue Stop Database Server link.

locate filemaker pro database online

  • Wait for the Status indicators for all hosted files to change from blue ( ) to red ( ) to gray ( ).
  • At the top of the list of Databases, click on the Database Options chevron and select Close All.
  • Shut down your previous FMS edition via the Admin Console:.
  • Note: If you are 100% certain that the standard automation schedules above are already configured exactly as required, you may use the Save or Load Schedules action to download a Settings file for importing later.

    locate filemaker pro database online

    "Custom" server schedules include any that you have configured and enabled, other than: In the Admin Console for your previous FMS edition, navigate to the Schedules, then review and document any custom server schedules in enough detail that you can recreate them precisely in FMS 19.If you are installing FileMaker 19 on the same machine that hosted your previous FileMaker databases, complete these steps.

    Locate filemaker pro database online